
Articulate this was created by Sigalle Barness, an attorney, editor, and writer.  Sigalle is a summa cum laude Rutgers University graduate (B.A. in English), law school graduate (J.D.) and licensed attorney in two jurisdictions.  On why Sigalle created ArticulateThis:

“Throughout the different stages of both my personal and work life, I have continuously helped extremely intelligent and educated individuals struggling with the ability to fully and effectively communicate in writing.

As a result, I have inadvertently become the default “second eye” to speeches, marketing copy, essays and business proposals for my network.

Throughout the years, helping others has given me the opportunity to create a methodology by which I can take an existing piece of written work and, simply put, make it better.  

Not only have these techniques helped those around me achieve the goals they set forth, but also helped me identify a real need in both the creative and professional space for a service that can help others.” 

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